Exploring PRISM: Immediate Media’s Data Evolution

Quality first-party data is increasingly scarce, yet more critical than ever.
To address this, Immediate Media has launched PRISM, a data solution that reimagines the potential of first-party data. It's not just about targeting or behavioural insights: PRISM takes a broader, end-to-end approach.
Structured around five core elements—Planning, Research, Insight, Segmentation, and Measurement—PRISM offers a continuum, connecting every stage of the data journey within a single, holistic framework.
Matthew Rance, Head of Commercial Data and Analytics at Immediate Media, walks me through the evolution of Immediate's data strategy, from the early days of IMAudience to today's innovation with PRISM.
Along the way, we discuss why first-party data needs a clear vision and strategy—one that goes beyond tactics and aligns with long-term goals.
PRISM is also a reminder that collaboration is key. Whether it's working across teams internally or communicating capabilities externally, publishers require a unified approach to maximise the value of their data assets.
Finally, Matt shares insights from Immediate's PRISM roadshow, focusing on the importance of educating agencies and advertisers about what's possible.
After all, even the best strategies and products need a bold message and accessible tools to truly and fully come alive.
Enjoy the full video below!