Adaptability in the Era of Continuous Change

Adaptability in the Era of Continuous Change

I have always admired companies and individuals that can successfully reinvent themselves.

Ann Reilly is a former colleague of mine and a friend who, after a successful career leading global sales organizations for international corporations, has moved into the adaptability coaching space.

Considering the amount of change happening in both the media and digital advertising sectors, I thought that chatting with her would bring up a lot of interesting insights and tips.

We discuss topics such as mental flexibility, embracing new ideas, creative problem solving, effective collaboration, adapting to change, and continuous learning.

Ann explains to me the Adaptability Framework, which measures abilities, character, and environment, and how it can be implemented in companies.

We also discuss the challenges of implementing adaptability and the need for leaders to prioritize change and support their teams in navigating it.

Ann and I have also developed the "North Star and Adaptability executive bootcamp", where we work with organizations to develop strategic alignment and adaptability.

Please contact me if you would like more information.

I hope you enjoy!

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