We need to talk about ADZ

Hello, I’m Alessandro (ADZ).

I’m an independent monetisation consultant and I've been immersed in the media and advertising industry for nearly two decades (and with each passing year, I inch closer to shedding that “almost” 😅).

My journey across the industry:
My path has led me across all sides of the industry, looking at the world through the diverse lenses of different sectors: ad tech, media, mobile, research, agency. This broad perspective helps me in having an independent take of the challenges and the opportunities that shape today's media landscape.

And what a time to be in media, with the disruption brought by new tech, privacy regulations and policy changes!

What can you expect here?

Thought-provoking content:

This page hosts a curated collection of my articles and columns. Join my community and subscribe to the newsletter: you’ll receive my unfiltered thoughts in real time (minus the brain-to-screen delay!).

Insights from experience:
Curious about my professional journey? Check my LinkedIn profile.

Current work:
For better understanding of how we can work together, check my ADZ Strategies website.

Only together we can drive change!
The media and advertising sectors thrive on independent thinking, and it’s only through collective effort that we can revolutionise the industry.
I would love to hear your opinions and perspectives on the topics I explore.

See you soon!
